Reviews and Articles

About Luba Matusovsky’s Private Collection Of Paintings

Nadezhda Musyankova - Ph.D. in art history, senior researcher at the State Tretyakov Gallery.

M. Feigin. "Concert", 1987. Oil on cardboard. 48 x 31 cm.

The uniqueness of Moses Feigin lies not only in the fact that he lived an incredibly long life, but also in the fact that, being almost blind at 104, he remained creative and created new unusually expressive paintings. This fact is recorded in the Guinness World Book of Records, where Feigin is included as "the oldest working artist in the world." He was the only living student of the Russian avant-garde artists who worked in the 21st century. The artist was the last of the "Jack of Diamonds" group.

The main themes of creativity - the tragedy of human existence and the affirmation of a positive attitude towards life - are revealed by the artist throughout his life in an extraordinary variety of styles. His deep philosophical creativity is comparable only with the works of such "giants" as Pablo Picasso, Georges Rouault, Marc Chagall, who had the greatest influence on world art. The brilliant talent of Moses Feigin, his passionate love for painting, his enormous capacity for work, as well as the ability to "see with his heart" allowed him to create complex, ambiguous works, which are sometimes difficult to unravel.

Buying a collection of 27 paintings and 2 graphic works by Moses Feigin gives a rare chance, which falls only once in a lifetime, to become the owner of the most first-class works of the master, the value of which has increased many times over the past 10 years.

This collection seems to be a great investment. Taking into account how the works of the artists of the "Jack of Diamonds" group have been evaluated so far, it is safe to predict a further increase in the value of the collection of works by Moses Feigin, both now and in the very near future.
2021-02-04 11:17 M.Feigin Reviews