Luba Matusovsky

Life and art as

contribution to the preservation and promotion of the heritage of remarkable Russian artists of the 20th century

Luba Matusovsky emigrated to the United States with her family from Moscow, Russia. Since childhood, Luba has often gone to theaters, museums and exhibitions with her parents. She saw her father could express himself creatively and tried to adopt this trait by submerging into painting, design and journalism.
Brief Life and Career Story
Luba has had friends of all ages who shared her views and interests and had a great influence on her. Of important note among them, are 2 remarkable Russian artists - Moses Feigin and Irina Vilkovir, whose works are now presented in her private collection.
Luba's talents and abilities helped her prove herself in the US as well. She is the author and publisher of two entertaining gift books, holds a US patent, and is the creator of the American Answer symbol commemorating the tragic events of 11/11/2001.
Luba Matusovsky is full of desire to acquaint art connoisseurs with her collection of 20th century Russian art, as well as represent her own paintings.

Luba Matusovsky. Photo from the personal archive of Luba Matusovsky
Luba and Feigin. Photo from the personal archive of Luba Matusovsky

Artists in the Collection
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