Other Artists

We are proud to present

the best of Russian 20th century painting to art connoisseurs and collectors

Matusovsky private collection includes 29 works by Feigin, 5 works by Vilkovir and other artists.
The collection has been seen and appreciated by Lyubov's family, friends, as well as local celebrities, including Kasey Crosby, Mara Devru, Riva Drayan, Roman Genn, Timur Bekbosunov, Ed Sin, Carol Dawson, Alvaro Pizoni, Ron Pollard and numerous art connoisseurs from various US industries.

The collection continues to delight and inspire art lovers and collectors, introducing the finest examples of Russian painting of the 20th century and enriching our lives.
Briefly about our works
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Price and Provenance Upon Request
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