М. Feigin
Pressboard, oil
50 x 68 cm (19.7" x 26.7")
Year: 1970
Moses Feigin is the last Russian avant-garde artist and member of the "Jack of Diamonds" group. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records. He absorbed many styles and trends in his work - fauvism, cubism, post-impressionism, expressionism, realism.

The painting is dedicated to one of the most secret religious rites - the confession of sins. The Greek word μετάνοια (metanoia - "repentance") means "change of mind", "change of thought". Repentance implies the regret for the past but moreover as a new view of oneself, others and God. Two bright blue spots denoting human figures are intertwined on a white background. White is a divine color, a symbol of light, purity and truth, the color of purification from sins. Blue is the color of chastity and justice in the Christian tradition. The line drawn in black partially coincides with the contour of the figures, forming an ornate pattern. Black is a symbol of repentance and sin. The figures are opposed to each other - the left one is straight as an arrow, and the right with a bowed head, seems to be depicted sitting in an armchair, or as an angel with his wings folded behind his back.

The background around the perimeter is of different colors.

At the top, it is yellow, which is a symbol of divine power. In addition, yellow is the color of betrayal, jealousy, cowardice, and lies. In some European countries, the doors of the houses of criminals and traitors were smeared with yellow. Judas and Cain are usually depicted with yellow beards.

The background at the bottom is orange, which is sometimes considered a symbol of infidelity and voluptuousness, but it can also be regarded as a hint of creative activity, since the muses as daughters of heaven and earth, wear orange outfits.

On the right it is red, which is associated with blood, fire and anger. But it is also the color of life, strength and courage.

The left part of the perimeter is green - the color of spring, growth, joy, hope. This color often symbolizes continuity and immortality, as well as indicates the connection between the natural and the supernatural.

There are numerous mysteries in this work, and the abstract solution of the painting multiplies them and does not offer specific answers to the questions that arise. Only the hidden symbolism of laconic colors allows you to read the encrypted message of the author.
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